Application Form

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Candidate Details
Advertisement No. & Date :
Post applied for :
Name of the applicant (in BLOCK letters) :
D.O.B :
Age on Closing date of Application :
Gender :
Marital Status :
Name of Father/ Husband :
Nationality :
Address for correspondence (in block letters) with PIN Code :
Tel No. with STD Code :
Mobile Number if any :
Email :
Fax No. with STD Code :
Permanent Address with Pin code :
Tel No. with STD Code :
Whether belongs to :
Please Provide Proof of caste
(If applicable,plase tick and provide attested copies of supporting documents as prescribed by Central Government : Original to be shown at the time of admission.)
Employment Qualification
 Name of ExaminationBranch/specializationClass & % of MarksYear of passingName of the InstitutionUniversity/Board
Upload Educational Qualification Certificate
Please Upload Degree Certificate or Latest Marksheet of latest semester appeard for along with Xth and XIIth Marksheet (Choose multiple files and upload)  

Details of experience directly relevant to the post applied
Total years of relevant experience
Employment Experience
 Name of employer with addressPost heldPeriod fromPeriod toDuration (Years & Months)Scale of Pay/Salary drawnReason for leaving
Whether you fulfill eligibility Criteria (Yes/No)
Title of Ph. D/M. Sc Thesis :
Details of Publications, if any :
Details of Publications, if any referred to national/international journals :
Details of books published (Title, Year of publications, Name of publisher etc.), if any :
Details of conferences attended, if any :
Details of seminars attended, if any :
Fellowship, Prizes, Medals and other Honours received, if any (use additional pages if required) :
Details of Membership in professional societies/Organization/ Institution, if any :
Travel or study abroad
Please provide brief write up of highlights of current research and project activity and future research plan relevant to the post you are applying for (not exceeding 150words (use additional pages if required) :
Language 1
Language 2
Language 3
Any other information you would like to present for consideration in support of your candidature :
If selected the minimum time period required for joining. :
List of enclosures :
Whether you have applied earlier for any post in the Institute? If so, details may be given :