The Institute endeavors to improve the standard of packaging needed for the promotion of exports and create infrastructural facilities for overall packaging improvement in India. This is achieved through the Institute’s multifarious activities which are today, in line with those of premier packaging institutes the world over. The Institute aims to make India a focal point for contemporary developments in Art, Science, Technology and Engineering, with respect to the field of Packaging.
The Institute began in a very humble way, with an office at Mumbai. It has now expanded, with its Head Quarter at Mumbai and Centers located at Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Chennai.
Major research & development projects completed
•Packaging of cashew kernels for exports
•Packaging of meat, meat products and poultry
•Packaging of Indian sweet
•Packaging of fresh grapes
•Packaging of banana chips
•All India study on packaging of processed foods
•Development of packaging specifications for whole, ground spices for export
•Packaging of fresh fruits and vegetables
•Packaging of extruded foods
•Packaging of frozen pre-cut fruits and vegetables for exports
•Development of packaging standards for fresh fruits and packaging system for walnut kernels of J & K and Himachal Pradesh for exports
•Up-gradation of sea food packaging
•Packaging of honey
•Packaging of onions for exports
•Packaging of jeera puris
•Packaging of boondi laddus
•Packaging of rabdi
•Packaging of dried fish
•Packaging of dudhi halwa
•Development of export packaging specifications for guar gum
•Packaging of fresh fruits & vegetables for exports
•Development of export packs for dehydrated/ freeze dried vegetables
•Development of transport pack for export of bananas by sea
•Development of consumer & bulk packages for raisins
•Packaging of coconut chips
•Packaging of snow ball tender coconut
•Packaging of ball & cup copra
•Packaging of minimally processed tender coconut
•Packaging of frozen coconut meat
•Development of consumer pack for village industries products
•Study on packaging material items used by pharma industry for formulations in the country
Major research & development projects in progress
•Processing & packaging of tender coconut water for rural markets
•Assessment of feasibility of mid day meal in packages for school children
•Modified atmosphere packaging of meat & poultry products for exports
•Updation & printing of folders for packaging specifications for fresh & processed food products
•Bulk packaging of ctc & orthodox tea
•Shelf-life studies of liquid jaggery in packaged form
The division comprises of the following laboratories:
Consumer Package Laboratory
Material Testing Laboratory
Optical and Barrier Properties Laboratory
Chemical Laboratory
Transport Laboratory
General chemical and material testing
Testing for transport worthiness of packages
Testing of packages for the carriage of dangerous goods for export - IMDG and ICAO.
In-laboratory training programme
Training programme on testing and quality control
Testing based consultancy projects
Testing and Evaluation Services - NABL Accreditated Laboratories
Over the last 46 years, the Indian Institute of Packaging has been able to establish well-equipped laboratories for testing of various packaging material and packages at its principle laboratory at Mumbai and also its branch offices at Chennai, Kolkata, Delhi and Hyderabad, with continuous efforts towards up-gradation. Financial assistance of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India is awarded. Today, the Institute is proud to announce that the laboratory has got the facility for testing over 300 parameters covering different areas like mechanical, chemical and physico-chemical properties of packaging material and packages.
Laboratories at the Head Office and regional centres extend testing facilities to the industry for domestic distribution and export, as per National and International Standards like the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), International Standards Organisation (ISO), British Standards (BS), American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) and others. IIP also issues UN Certification for export packages for hazardous goods and equipment calibration standardization certificates.
Industry Consulting Services
The Institute undertakes self sponsored and industry participated applied projects covering different aspects of standards, substitutions of packaging materials, improvements in the designs of packages for a range of products including agricultural produce, marine products, processed food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, consumer durables, light and heavy engineering products etc. Export packs for fresh fruits and vegetables are developed which include bulk and consumer packs. Consumer and bulk export packs with specification details are developed for pre-cut frozen fruits and vegetables.
Consultancy Services
Package design and development
Cost-effective packaging for domestic and overseas distribution
On-the-spot advisory visits
Techno-economic feasibility studies
Market research and survey reports
Projects profile with guidelines for machinery selection, computing investments and working capital as well as establishing economical feasibility.
Some of our esteemed clientele include MNC's, entrepreneurs, government departments, packaging material users and converters.
The other promotional efforts include exhibition and awards, information services and publications, library and database services.
The Institute has linkages with International organizations and is a founder member of the Asian Packaging Federation (APF); member of the Institute of Packaging Professionals (IOPP), USA; the Institute Packaging (IOP), UK; Technical Association of Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI), USA and the World Packaging Organization (WPO).
The Indian Institute of Packaging has helped many developing countries in the promotion of packaging through projects carried out for prominent International bodies like the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), International Trade Centre (ITC), the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation (CFTC) and the European Union (EU).
The Institute has successfully completed International residential training programmes for APF and WPO in the years 2005, 2006 and 2010.
At present, the Institute has members in varied categories such as Patron Members, Overseas Members, Life Members and large number of Ordinary Members who regularly use the expertise and the services available in the laboratories.
Permanent Exhibition
This division organizes exhibitions on a regular basis.
INDPACK, the Annual National Exhibition organized at various cities around the country, offers the packaging industry an opportunity to display development in the machinery and material sector.
INDIAPACK International, a collaborative effort with exhibition organizers from overseas, is organized once in 2 / 3 years.
The Institute also organizes industry participation in International exhibitions.
The Permanent Exhibition Centre in Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Hyderabad offer display outlets for the products of the industry.
Industrial designs are developed as per clients requirements.
The Institute, while maintaining its unique position as an internationally reputed organisation responds to the needs of the country and at the same time acts as a window for India's capabilities in Packaging Science and Technology.
IIP has instituted the 'INDIASTAR' Awards, the National award for Excellence in Packaging in the year 1972 to promote and encourage excellence in packaging design, innovation and sustainability, once every two years. Over a period of time, this award programme is firmly entrenched and is most popular as the premier event for India's packaging fraternity.
This biennial INDIASTAR Award is the recognition of excellence in packaging development for functional design and appeal. The INDIASTAR Contest is also open to students under the Student Category.
The PACMACHINE Award symbolizes achievement in the field of packaging and converting machinery, material handling and testing equipment.
Winning INDIASTAR entries may then compete for the ASIASTAR and the WORLDSTAR Awards.
Information and Publication
This division provides information related to the packaging industry, in addition to publishing various monographs and textbooks, seminar papers and directories, periodically.
'Packaging India', the official Journal of the Institute published six times a year, is an invaluable source of information for the packaging industry. It is mailed free of cost to members of the Institute, packaging and related institutions all over the world. Individual subscriptions are available on request.
The Institute's publications are available at the Head Office and the Regional Centres.
Library Services
IIP is privileged to have one of the best reference libraries in the world, with books, International periodicals, bound volumes of journals; besides a large number of reports, National & International standards, database on products and materials along with reprographic facility also being available. Library facilities are extended to the members of the Institute,all students and faculty.
The IIP library has a rich collection of nearly 7000 textbooks besides several packaging related National and International standards from different countries and organisations on materials, methods and systems, testing and quality control etc., besides having a number of seminar, technical reports and dissertations. The information input is also augmented through over 50 technical journals obtained from various sources in the world, on a regular basis.
Global Initiatives
To meet the growing demands from industrial units, in both, the organised and unorganized sector for qualified technical manpower, the Institute introduced 2-year programme leading to a Post Graduate Diploma in Packaging (PGDP) in 1985. The course is designed to equip candidates with all the facets of packaging activity.
Other courses being offered by the Institute include the Graduate Diploma in Packaging through correspondence - a Distance Education Programme (DEP) 1996, recognized by the World Packaging Organisation (WPO) and accredited by Asian Packaging Federation (APF). The 18-month course, designed primarily for working professionals is open to industry personnel and to students in India, the Asia Pacific Region and other countries.
A 3-month Certificate Course in Packaging introduced in 1968 is conducted at the Head Office and at the Regional Centres, entries of which are on a first-cum-first-served basis. The course is also open to overseas participants deputed by their Governments under various schemes.
IIP is probably, the first Packaging Institute in the world to hold a training programme for women entrepreneurs.The 1-month Entrepreneurship Development Programme is organised once a year
Short Training Programmes,Seminars and Conferences of 1-day to 1-week duration are organised by the Head Office and the Regional Centres throughout the year in various parts of the country, specially designed for working executives as well as professionals needing to update their knowledge in the form of executive development programmes.
Residential Training Programmes - The Institute conducts Residential Training Programmes at its Campus in Mumbai. These programmes are designed to meet the specific requirements of the organisation / industry.
Infrastructure Facilities at IIP Mumbai